
Clean Up at Neches River NWR

 Well, it's been a mess since the end of March. The refuge has been closed due to flooding and trees down on most roads and trails. We needed the rain and shouldn't be complaining, but we have had lots of rain, lots. The refuge managers wife (Katie) logged over 30" since then. Leo (manager), I and volunteers Co9, Wolf and Neil have been clearing trees. As of this week we have cleared 62 just on the Deadwater Unit. Looks like it will be a while longer before we can open the Deadwater unit. I have been getting many hours on the Mini X (excavator). I used to hate operating it, but now it's almost a natural movement without too much jerking around. 

Spring has arrived at Neches River NWR.

The Red buds are in bloom and found this neat looking flower known as snowflakes. New plant for me! Birds are singing and starting to build their nests.  Come out and visit.

Next Chapter

I have been spending some time up near Jacksonville Texas at the Neches River National Wildlife Refuge. For my friends that know me well, they know I have been a FWS Volunteer on and off most of my life. Sadly, having to move off Peaceful Springs Nature Preserve when it became part of the Balcones Canyonlands NWR a few years ago, I moved to east Texas and have been taking care of my mom since. Funny thing...I didnt know Neches River NWR was near by until one morning while my front yard was flooding and not being able to shut the water off up walked Leo Gustafson the refuge manager. Turns out he lived right down the street and we had met many years ago down at Laguna Atascosa NWR. So The Refuge System is celebrating 117 years! " Save the Date - March 14th from 1 - 4pm The Neches River National Wildlife Refuge has come a very long way and it is the time of year to have an annual meeting at the refuge.  Thus, we invite you all to come to celebrate the National Refuge S

The end of wonderful living experience...

Peaceful Springs Nature Preserve was transferred to Balcones Canyonlands NWR for permanent habitat protection. I have moved off the Preserve and working on new paths of Nature Photography and other interests. Hopefully some fun ones worth sharing.

Summertime at Peaceful Springs

My name is Kaylen and I am an intern here at Peaceful Springs this summer, as well as Karen's niece.  I'm here to update you on what we've been doing since my arrival! After becoming acquainted with the land and some of the more recognizable flora and fauna we got right to it.  First things first, the invasive and aggressive Johnson Grass patches had to be taken care of.  Snappin' heads and takin' stems, we had their (gr)asses running for the hills- meaning we were successful in pulling patches along the drive in and by the windmill pond.  Eight years of this treatment before I got here significantly cut down on the amount needing to be taken care of, and all without using machines or pesticides! As many of you probably already know, but I quickly was made aware of, this part of Texas has been in a drought for around eight years.  So, Aunt Karen, our friend Bill, and I trekked to examine a few springs on the property to see how they were doing.  Two of these wer
Well time is almost here to leave this beautiful country. I've been busy seeing as much as I can. Went snorkeling on the Great Barrier Reef. WOW! At first I was a little scared sliding off the back of the big safe boat. Even though I had a life jacket on since I'm not a good swimmer.  I did have a GoPro underwater camera ready but it has been failing to start for the whole trip. I was upset because I have no photos while I was snorkeling. Will contact the company when I get back. Anyway, I had a blast with Kathy, she saw a white tip reef shark while we were out. I went on a glass bottom boat they had out there and saw a green sea turtle. We took a Helicopter ride back so we could see some of the reef.       I went to stay with some nice folks David and Cynthia meet while out on a reef tour. Jeff and Donna live up in a small town outside of Atherton. We spent some time checking out the area for David and Cynthia. We went to a few places and saw some neat bi
Hey everyone, Have been staying with Jarred and Kath from Sydney, and Kath is going up to Cairns with me for a few days. Been real busy seeing the country side.  Landed in Sydney on the 27th and next day went into town to see the Opera House and Royal Botanic Gardens. Nice place! Spotted a Masked Lapwing. A pretty Plover hanging out with a small group. Will try to catch up in a day or two. Got to Cairns on Saturday. Did some food shopping and got settled in. Took the train up to the top of the rainforest and took a little ride in an old army duck (car/boat) around a small river area. Got to see some water dragons but no photo, too quick. Went to this Butterfly Garden where you can walk among them. Will post photos of that in a day or two. Have not really stopped since landing. Had dinner with Kath who is up here in Cairns, she has me eating BUGS (small lobster like critters) and Prawns. Then she heads back to Sydney on Thursday. She has been teaching me how to drive on the other si